Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's Up With This Guy? ... Maino!!

Yea we all know that Maino is the guy who went to jail. Yea Yea cut the bullcrap but do we know why..... This guy went to jail for kidnapping. Why would you kidnap some one. Like what the hell do was he thinking when he did that crap. How would he fell if someone weird guy came and kidnapped someone he was related to. That stuff is not cool. But anyways he was released 2003. He should of been in their for longer. 

Obviously he put that behind and came out with a very Brooklyn attitude song called "Hi Hater". This song in my opinion is garbage because it doesn't apply to me and I just don't like the song. Most people liked the song because it was catchy and applied to their life. 

Front Of Shirt                                                                              Back Of Shirt
This song came with a phrase and clothes which I would waste my money on. The phrase was lame and the shirt was for people who don't have clothes because you could buy those shirts on the streets. Just go to Manhattan and go to one of those tables that look like consession stands and you could get one for $5. 

Obviously this is going to fade away after the second time you wash it and it is going to get so dirty so quick. Maino you need to work harder towards becoming a better rapper literally. Maino's first good song was "paper touchin" and then came "All The Above" featuring T-Pain. That song was actually good. Because he's speaking on his life and that's what he should of been doing from the beginning of his career. I'm curious to see what he's going to drop next!!!$!!!

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