Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P The King Of Pop

As Surprising as it may seem Michael Jackson was officially announced dead today in the LA Times. He will be missed. Jackson was the seventh of nine kids and was the leader in "The Jackson Five". A pop group that was amongst five of the nine Jackson children. He died with and left a legacy behind him. He created dance moves. Most famous by the moonwalk!! Jackson also influenced many kids to unleash their love for pop music and dance. M.J made souls fall in love with him. People would do anything just to attend a Michael Jackson concert and most people passed out just by screaming out his name. Mike J died and his music will go on forever. His death was very surprising because one minute he wasn't breathing then CNN announced that he was going through cardiac rest which is when your heart completely stops functioning. Then about five minutes he was announced dead. I was surprised!!!$!!   

In opinion, Mike will be looked at like Elvis or something because his music impacted the world. I also feel like their are many 'FAKE' Mike Jack fans because once Jackson was found guilty for child molestation everyone felt that M.J was a gay rapist. If you're reading this don't front you could leave your thoughts in the comment box. The media ruined his life. But now that he died every body realized that M.J did care about humanity and was a very giving person. He also mentioned that he never a childhood since at the age 10, when he would go to the park and see kids playing in the park. He always knew that he would never be a part of that crowd since he had to report to the studio and record a million dollar track. I am not going to front I am not a Jackson fan but I'm not going to bad talk someone considering that theirs over a million people who idolize M.J. Anyways he will always be remembered!!!$!!!

I give my condolences to the entire Jackson family!!!$!!!

              Special M.J Playlist :
                                               Billie Jean
                                               Black Or White
                                               Beat It
                                                         Candy Girl

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