Sunday, May 17, 2009


Wuz Good Yalll. Eminem o' boy, o' boy.... For all these years everyone been saying that Eminem was on crack (cocaine). I don't even know why everyone been saying that but a couple of weeks ago Em came out and confessed that he has in the past overdosed on pounds of crack (cocaine).

His excuse was ridiculous, he said that Crack drug abuse runs in his family. WOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! How could he say something like that. However Eminem has bigger and better things to look forward to since he dropped his new album "Relapse". The first song that I heard off that album is called "We Made You". I thought that song was trash. But i listened to it, did some research and comes to find out Eminem implied that the song was just a collage of reverse psychiatry towards all these women that he knows wouldn't date him. The song is suppose to get them like him. How funny? The females in the song are ( Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Blake, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson, Sarah Palin (she's hot), Lindsey Lohan, Jessica Alba, and one more girl.

The song is extremely funny, for example the scenario where Eminem is dressed up as Tony Romo and he's with Jessica Simpson. If your a football fan like me you would know that at one of his games Jessica Simpson was promised to attend one of his games. In the end she couldn't make it. That day the Cowboys played the Eagles and their was a girl who looked just like Jessica Simpson. Tony Romo was mesmerized by her looks and loss the game. He was tight. In this song the Jessica Alba thing is also funny. She snuffed him out.

One song that I nod my head to my neck breaks is "Crack A Bottle" !!!
Another tough song on this album is called "3 AM".

These song are tough!!!!

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